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Mobile Billboards with Rolling Adz

Frequently Asked Questions

Our all-inclusive pricing model is designed to simplify your advertising expenditures by covering everything required for a successful campaign —print, production, installation, and removal—without any hidden fees, ever.

Absolutely! Mobile Display Retargeting can be seamlessly added to any campaign. This feature is perfect for maximizing ad recall and engagement by targeting viewers who have previously interacted with your mobile ads, ensuring consistent visibility across digital platforms, powered by our Rolling Adz Smart Truck™ driver app.

You will receive a detailed campaign report that includes heatmaps of vehicle routes, estimated impressions delivered, and a digital collection of high-quality photos. Our clients find these insights are helpful for understanding the impact and reach of your campaign, allowing you to make data-driven decisions for future strategies.

For our LED Truck campaigns, the lead time is just 72 business hours from the time we receive your approved creative files. For branded, last-mile Rolling Adz Smart Truck™ campaigns, the lead time is 14 business days from creative approval. These expedited timeframes ensure that your campaign can go live seamlessly with the highest probability of success.

Our network spans across all of North America (Mexico and Canada included), enabling us to deploy campaigns swiftly—even with short notice. For instance, we can launch a campaign in Canada within 48 hours from our New York facilities. Our extensive coverage ensures that your advertising reaches your target demographics, regardless of location. Check out our coverage map here for more details.